Saturday 22 May 2010

Pre-home training

Yeah,I know that home is not that far from me now.

And my lovely Manchester's weather has changed dramatically to Malaysia's weather.

I know,I know.

They just want me to have a pre-home training.

Let me to get used to Malaysia's 30++ degree Celsius.

Thank you very much.

I appreciate it.

But it is just too hot for me to concentrate in my study!


Pinkie123 said...

yaya..otherwise i'll stay at home most of the time when i'm back! Hopefully we can get used to the hot weather very soon! XD

g_yean_i said...

LOL. Pre-home training, what a good title! hahaha. But I heard Mut said that next week's temperatures are going to plunge a bit. So it wouldn't be that bad. Hang it there! hehehe.

JH said...

haha..i hope so! =)