Saturday 22 May 2010

Pac man on google

Pac-Man 30th anniversary Google doodle turns homepage into game

Pac-Man's 30th anniversary is celebrated with a playable Google doodle – the first of its kind

Pac-Man 30th anniversary Google doodle

The Pac-Man 30th anniversary Google doodle

Google has become famous for changing its logo for special events, but it has never converted it into a playable game before. Today, it is celebrating the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man's launch in Japan with a version that lets you steer your pizza-shaped protagonist* around a maze that spells out Google's name – at least for as long as you can evade the ghosts Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde

To play, simply click the button that usually says "I'm feeling lucky" but now has the legend "Insert Coin". However, if you don't do anything, the game will start by itself.

If you click twice on "Insert Coin" then two people can play. Ms Pac-Man joins the game, with the second person controlling her movements using the WASD keys.

* Pac-Man was based on the Japanese character for 'mouth'.

I played it and it really works. =p

Google rocks~

*Article taken from:


yy_why said...

Aww~~~~ I wanna play!!!!!
Should have read your blog earlier...=(

JH said...

haha..ytd still can play de...